Monday, October 31, 2011

Summary Post

I have seen many social media websites. They are all unique in their own way but there is not a lot of creativity. With my idea of creating a website that is not just about communicating but improving your skills. Of course, you can invite your friends to play skill building games. Games will not be the main focus. The main focus is building your academic skills in the fields arts and science. I know that adding these features with take a lot of time but it will be worth it in the end.

I learned a lot of things that could help me from lecture. I could use databases to have my companies that want to use my services. I could even set up a competition of developing a new logo for Mountain Dew or some other name brand product. It will get people motivated to create new and amazing designs just from the social media page.

Even looking at other people's ideas have showed me that I should stick to this idea. I even got feedback from others in my class and they like the idea. I'm going to try my best to actually making this a reality.

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